Friday, September 26, 2008

The things people notice...

So, I had an odd experience in the workplace today.

I'm sitting, working on my laptop, running simulators, and doing 8 different things at once... but every time I have to go enter data on the laptop my hands fall to the traditional 'right hand on mouse, left hand over wasd' where I keep my hands while I play.

My boss walks by, chuckles, and then asks what game I play.

Sometimes, its the little things people notice.


neshura said...

Charming, yet eerie, and maybe even a little disturbing. I would be disturbed, at least.

Posolutely said...

Yes, but thats because it was someone talking to you in a normal manner...

Anea said...

That's interesting. I know that my hands do that too, by habit by now. I wonder if I would notice such a thing and attribute it to gaming in another environment though.